
The ASCH supports the collaboration and development of circumpolar health professionals through research, exchanging knowledge, and fostering greater awareness and responsiveness to the health issues of circumpolar people.

The ASCH prioritizes student support and will consider reimbursement of student travel costs when the student does not have an active role at a meeting/conference whereas all other ASCH members should have an active role at the meeting/conference to be eligible for costs in addition to registration.

ASCH travel Scholarship decisions are final, based upon funding availability and cannot be guaranteed. Payment of funds is by reimbursement and cannot be guaranteed to occur before the travel date.

Please note that the ASCH offers a reduced membership fee to students, unemployed or underemployed.

Application Review

The ASCH member travel scholarship applications are open year-round. The ASCH board of directors annually determines the budget for travel scholarships. Online scholarship forms are due no later than 30 days before the meeting/conference registration deadline. Note: if an application is submitted in fewer than 30 days from the registration deadline, in addition to the online form, send an email to asch.circumpolar.usa@gmail.com with a 250 word maximum response describing the circumstances for missing the deadline.

The 2024 Travel Scholarship Application process has been successfully completed.

The Awardees have been notified


Current ASCH members are eligible who have an active role in a meeting/conference with direct implication for the improvement of circumpolar health are eligible for travel support. An active role would be considered to include at least one or more of the following activities:

  1. Selected for Presentation – Oral or Poster
  2. Conference Session Moderator
  3. Conference Organizer, or Planning Committee Member
  4. Appointed as an ASCH delegate for IUCH activities

If the applicant does not have an active role as outlined above, but would like to attend the conference in order to gain greater knowledge and awareness to circumpolar health issues, then cost of registration can be requested. If applicant is a student member, then travel costs can be requested.


Travel support is eligible to be used for registration, airfare (coach), ground transportation, lodging, and per diem as long as ASCH Travel Scholarship funds are available. Receipts for reimbursement and a written report will be required from awardees to process reimbursement. The report, receipts and request for reimbursement would be due within four (4) weeks from the completion of the meeting/conference.

Budgeted Travel

Please provide an estimated total travel cost or specifically list one travel reimbursement to the travel award that would be applied (i.e., registration or airfare). Award Notifications will be made via e-mail. Depending on available funding, awards may be for an amount less than the maximum allowed.


Download the application form

Please e-mail the completed Application to: asch.circumpolar.usa@gmail.com