
Upcoming Events of Potential Interest

August 12-15, 2018
17th International Congress on Circumpolar Health
Copenhagen, DENMARK

Abstracts Due Early 2018

Recent Conferences

November 4-8, 2017
American Public Health Association: "Creating the Healthiest Nation: Climate Changes Health"
Atlanta, Georgia

October 16-18, 2017
Alaska Native Health Research Conference
Anchorage, Alaska

August 27-29, 2017
U Arctic Forum and Conference
Aberdeen, SCOTLAND

August 8-9, 2017
2017 World Indigenous Peoples' Conference on Viral Hepatitis
Anchorage, Alaska

August 7-25, 2017
Summer School in Arctic Health
Copenhagen, DENMARK

June 8-12, 2017
9th International Congress on Arctic Social Science (ICASS IX)

September 28-30, 2016
Nuuk, Greenland

September 27-28, 2016
Alaska Maternal Child Health & Immunization Conference
Anchorage, AK

September 18 -21, 2016
International conference on Water Innovations for Healthy Arctic Homes (WIHAH)
Hilton Hotel, Anchorage, Alaska

September 12-16, 2016
University of the Arctic Congress
St Petersburg, Russia

June 27-July 2, 2016
Collaborative Arctic Summer School in Epidemiology (CASE)
Homer, Alaska

June 19-23, 2016
Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists National Meeting
Anchorage, AK

April 28-30, 2016
Transforming Health Care in Remote Communities
Edmonton, Alberta

April 12-14, 2016
International Conference on Rural Sanitation in Cold Regions *
Sisimuit, Greenland

March 12-18, 2016
Arctic Science Summit Week
Fairbanks, AK

March 9-12, 2016
9th Western Alaska Interdisciplinary Science Conference and Forum
Dillingham, AK

March 12, 2016
Circumpolar Networking Event
Fairbanks, AK

February 2-4, 2016
Alaska Health Summit
Hotel Captain Cook, Anchorage, AK