r. Jens Hart Hansen (1936-1998) sought to improve circumpolar health by mentoring emerging researchers and health workers. At every International Congress on Circumpolar Health, ASCH awards an American an emerging circumpolar health researcher/worker fellowship from the Jens Peder Hart Hansen Memorial Fund. The purpose of this fellowship is to support emerging circumpolar health researchers/workers to encourage their continued efforts to improve circumpolar health. Similar awards are made by each adhering body of the International Union for Circumpolar Health.

More information on the life and times of Dr. Hansen can be found here.

About the Jens Peder Hart Hansen Memorial Fund


To foster the ideals of Dr. Jens Peder Hart Hansen (1936-1998) — increase international cooperation in circumpolar health research and education by mentoring and encouragement of emerging researchers and workers in the field of circumpolar health.


Every 3 years each adhering body will nominate, and with the help of the Jens Peder Hart Hanson Memorial Fund (JPHHMF), support emerging circumpolar health workers to encourage their continued efforts to improve circumpolar health. This fund will emphasize support of indigenous workers, as defined by each adhering body, within the spirit that gives everyone the opportunity to compete on equal terms.

Selection process:

Each adhering body nominates 1-3 emerging circumpolar health workers. These workers are invited to submit a two-page abstract of their proposed presentation or a short description of the study that they wish us to review. The adhering body selects the recipients on the basis of these abstracts and local criteria. The adhering bodies may chose to submit one or all the proposals to the JPHHMF Subcommittee for final approval.

JPHHMF Projects:

  • Scholarships to emerging researchers and workers in the field of circumpolar health to increase international cooperation in circumpolar health research and education
  • Research seed funding to emerging researchers and workers in the field of circumpolar health that increase international cooperation in circumpolar health research and education


The JPHHMF will make available as much as 500 USD every 3 years for distribution to the adhering bodies for support of emerging circumpolar health workers. The distribution interval will coincide with the interval to the next ICCH. This funding can be supplemented by the adhering bodies. In addition, registration to the next ICCH will be waived if the emerging health worker is providing a presentation at that ICCH.

Fund management:

The JPHHMF will be professionally managed by the Alaska Community Foundation with anticipated payouts out of as much as 2,500 USD every 3 years on a date not more than 6 months before the next ICCH. The JPHHMF will initially manage not less than 15,000 USD from the IUCH, as well as matching funds from the adhering bodies and private donations. The investment goals of the JPHHMF will be set by the JPHHMF subcommittee of the IUCH in accordance with the professional management tenets of the Alaska Community Foundation.

Private donations will be strongly encouraged.

  • The JPHHMF will be managed within the AMF by professionally fund managers as determined by AMF
  • The IUCH understands that there is risk in any investment in equities and bonds. The Alaska Community Foundation employs a ‘low risk’, but not a ‘no risk’ investment strategy.
  • The proceeds and losses of the Morgan Stanley Dean Witter ICS Fund Solution Account will be shared with the JPHHMF proportionate to the size of the JPHHMF investment.

Draw down schedule:

The draw-down schedule will be determined by the JPHHMF Subcommittee in accordance with the professional management of the AMF. This schedule may include, but is not limited to, placing the next q 3 year pay-out in a Certificate of Deposit, thereby allowing the bulk of the funds to be exposed to a higher rate of return. This CD acquisition process will be repeated on a q 3 year basis.

JPHHMF IUCH Subcommittee

The IUCH JPHHMF subcommittee will be composed of at least seven, or an odd number of members to include one member from each adhering body.
In addition, a representative from Jens Peder Hart Hansen family (Peter Bjerregard will be the liaison to the family).

This Charter was agreed upon by the Council to the International Union on Circumpolar Health after in person and electronic communications concluding 8/28/01.